Deep Dive into Yamas and Niyamas:

Ishvarapranidhana (Surrender)

Monday, 20 February, 19:00 – 20:30 CET

Give God the first place in life

Ishvarapranidhana is the total surrender to God, complete devotion to the Supreme, unconditional self-giving, a continuous offering of all our actions to our Creator.

With Ishvarapranidhana the Yamas and Niyamas reach their final stage. It teaches us the supreme attitude of giving God the first place in our life, a choice that we have to consciously take in any moment.

During this transition from our own “kingdom of ego” to the Kingdom of Heaven, we will learn how to switch from fighting life to trusting life, from rejection to acceptance, from contraction to profound relaxation, from separating judgments to all-uniting love.

Once we completely surrender to the flow of universal life, we will mysteriously discover that we are not just a drop in the ocean – we ARE the ocean!

Ishvarapranidhana shows you how to:

  1. Continuously live in harmony and integration
  2. Reach deep trust, acceptance, relaxation and love
  3. Awaken your soul and live from the heart
  4. Utilize the power of prayer and transfiguration
  5. Maintain balance through effortless action

PLUS: Modalities for daily life to give God the first place

About the teacher

Sofian started Yoga in 2005 and teaches since more than 15 years. He is the coordinator of the Atman Online Yoga Academy, which hosts the online versions of the Integral Yoga and the Esoteric Tantra Yoga courses. He is also passionate about photography, design, music and many other artistic domains.

What Participants Say About the Yama & Niyama Series:

Thank you so much for making this series! You structured it very very well and presented it with so much love and dignity! Very beautiful!! ❤

Claudia H.

Berlin, Germany

The Yama and Niyama webinars were all so amazing and wonderful. Sofian is an exceptional speaker, gives a lot of examples, is on point and helps with the practical aspects – actually one of the most eloquent and organised speakers I have been blessed to listen to.

Timi V.


Thank you for the Asteya workshop, I just loved it! The presentation was super well-structured and everything was clear and understandable with examples that I think we can all relate to. I really enjoyed it.

Catja Ø.

Brussels, Belgium

I watched the Asteya webinar and I really loved it. The exercise at the end is mind-blowing!

Evelina D.

Singen, Germany

Deeply appreciative of this series, Sofian. The class on Satya was excellent!! These lectures are really affecting my life in a profound way. Something about how you structure the material as well as the energy behind.

Eva B.

Aarhus, Denmark

Thank you a lot for this lecture on Asteya! It opened my eyes for many things!!!

Francisco O.

Porto, Portugal

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