
The Art of Blessing

The Art of Blessing is a very simple method which allows us to attune with the energy of Godly Grace and connects us to eternity, the Almighty and the sacred, Godly ecstasy.

In this presentation you will learn how to open up towards this energy  and share it with others. The blessings generate miraculous healings, the awakening of the soul, Godly wisdom, the understanding of the ultimate mysteries of existence, the opening towards the state of holiness and much more.

The Supreme Godly Energy of blessing helps us to detach from everything that enchains us, to discover the state of wisdom without being affected by the whirl of life, gradually leading us to the final liberation. It teaches us that every being is a Godly manifestation, which enables us to experience feelings of love, compassion, forgiveness, non-violence, and altruism more intensely, and more often. It aids us in discovering the nature of our Supreme Self, Atman, which is a spark of God The Father. Further, it can awaken in our being endless unconditional love, thus granting us an extraordinary inner power. The Art of Blessing is a direct, total, spiritual path towards God, without artifices.

This presentation is based on the conference “The Art of Blessing” by yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru. It includes the complete theoretical fundament as well as an in-depth practical part to directly and profoundly experience all the benefits and profound spiritual effects of the method.

Next presentation: Sunday, April 2nd, 19.00-21.00 CET, 10.00am-12.00pm PDT

online-yoga-academy-teachers-delia-carreonI look forward to seeing you there!

Delia Carreon
Certified Yoga Teacher

Delia Carreon is a Certified Yoga Teacher with ATMAN The International Federation of Yoga and Meditation, Holistic Health Coach and Wellness Specialist. She has been practicing yoga for more than 20 years and teaching yoga since 2007 in the USA and Europe. She has also studied Kashmir Shaivism, Ayurveda and graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition from NY, USA. She is passionate about helping people to attain a state of harmony and genuine happiness through yoga, holistic nutrition and spirituality.

Learn the Art of Blessing

And experience with us the profound spiritual effects of this method…

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